Category: Producers

Finding producers online involves identifying the right platforms, networks, and resources where producers showcase their work or are actively seeking projects. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Music Production Platforms

  • SoundBetter: A popular platform where you can find music producers, audio engineers, and session musicians. You can search by genre, listen to samples, and hire producers directly.
  • BeatStars: Primarily used for buying beats, but it’s also a place to connect with producers who specialize in different genres of music.
  • AirGigs: Offers a range of services from producers, engineers, and session musicians. You can browse through profiles, listen to samples, and hire based on your needs.

2. Social Media and Professional Networks

  • Instagram: Many producers showcase their work on Instagram. Searching through hashtags like #musicproducer, #beatmaker, or #producerlife can lead you to profiles of producers.
  • LinkedIn: For a more professional approach, LinkedIn can be a good platform to connect with producers, especially those involved in film, TV, or corporate projects.
  • Facebook Groups: There are numerous Facebook groups dedicated to music production where producers actively share their work and collaborate. Search for groups related to your genre or industry.

3. Freelance Platforms

  • Fiverr: You can find freelance producers on Fiverr who offer a wide range of services, from full music production to mixing and mastering.
  • Upwork: This platform allows you to post your project and receive proposals from producers. You can review their profiles, past work, and client feedback before making a choice.

4. Music Collaboration Websites

  • Kompoz: A platform for musicians and producers to collaborate on projects. You can find producers who are looking to collaborate on new music.
  • Splice: Apart from offering samples and loops, Splice has a community where you can connect with producers and other music creators.

5. YouTube and Music Forums

  • YouTube: Many producers have channels where they showcase their work, tutorials, and beat-making processes. Commenting on videos or reaching out via their contact info can lead to collaboration.
  • Reddit: Subreddits like r/WeAreTheMusicMakers or r/MusicInTheMaking are good places to find and connect with producers. These communities often have members who are producers looking for collaboration opportunities.

6. Industry Events and Virtual Summits

  • Music Conferences: Events like NAMM, ASCAP EXPO, and A3C Festival offer opportunities to meet producers in person or virtually.
  • Online Summits: Attend virtual music industry events and webinars where producers are often speakers or participants.

7. Networking and Referrals

  • Personal Network: Leverage your existing network in the music industry for referrals. Someone you know might be able to connect you with a producer.
  • Online Communities: Join online communities such as the Gearslutz (now Gearspace) forum where music production professionals gather. Engaging in these communities can lead to finding a producer.

When reaching out to producers, be clear about your project needs, budget, and timelines. This helps in finding the right match quickly

Lantronix 宣布 2024 年 SmartEdge 渠道合作伙伴项目奖项得主

IRVINE,加利福尼亚, Sept. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 全球领先的计算和连接物联网解决方案企业 Lantronix Inc.(纳斯达克代码:LTRX)今天宣布其 2024 年 SmartEdge 合作伙伴项目奖项得主,以此表彰其在北美、亚太、欧洲、中东和非洲的顶级渠道合作伙伴。 “今年的 SmartEdge 合作伙伴项目奖项得主正推动全球销售,发展和我们共同客户的关系,为 Lantronix 作为全球计算和连接领先企业的地位做出贡献,通过为人工智能、嵌入式、物联网和 IT 应用提供屡获殊荣的解决方案,促成边缘智能,” Lantronix 全球销售副总裁 Kurt Hoff 表示。“我们对他们的努力表示赞赏,并期待在未来继续共同取得成功。” Lantronix 2024 年 SmartEdge…

Lantronix 宣布 2024 年 SmartEdge 渠道合作夥伴計劃得獎者

加州爾灣, Sept. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 運算和連接物聯網解決方案的全球領導公司 Lantronix Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LTRX),於今天宣布 2024 年 SmartEdge™ 合作夥伴計劃的得獎者,表揚了其在北美、亞太地區,以及歐洲、中東和非洲的頂級渠道合作夥伴。 Lantronix 全球銷售副總裁 Kurt Hoff 說:「今年的 SmartEdge 合作夥伴計劃獲獎者正在推動全球銷售,並與我們的共同客戶建立關係,為 Lantronix 作為全球運算和連接領導者地位作出貢獻,透過屢獲殊榮的人工智能、嵌入式、物聯網和 IT 應用解決方案實現邊緣智能。我們對他們的努力表示讚賞,並期待未來能繼續攜手取得成功。」 Lantronix 2024 年 SmartEdge 計劃獎項得獎者:…